Note D’intention de Sébastien GRALL concernant La femme secrète-633

Note D’intention de Sébastien GRALL concernant La femme secrète-633

Director’s statement of intent :
Who is Hélène, and for whom ?

"The truth? What an idea! Hélène… here or elsewhere… I liked to paint her… and she lent a meaning to death, you understand, Béraud!" That’s Franchin (Philippe Noiret) speaking. He is desperately trying to explain his model’s fatal gesture. Like him, Marie, Camille, Marc, Pasdeloup and Antoine all have their place, all have something at stake and all can talk about her in their own way.

We never see Hélène and we never will. And yet an imaginary character appears before our eyes made up of an accumulation of relationships, memories, and shared experiences. The challenge of this film is the thin line across which the discovery of a woman’s life creates the desire for this woman.